Round 1: Both fighters gauging the distance early. Vikrant and Ashwanth exchange leg kicks but are ineffective. Vikrant tries to move in with a side kick but Aswanth answers with a right hook. Both fighters still ineffective with their striking. Aswanth firesoff a series of leg kicks that are unanswered by Vikrant and forces Vikrant to switch stances. Vikrant fires back with a body kick which is trapped by Aswanth. Aswanth throws Vikrant to the mat and follows up with an illegal head kick to a grounded Vikrant. After checking with Vikrant and issuing Aswanth his first warning, referee Jitendra Khare stands up both the fighters and restarts the bout. Vikrant throws a body kick again which is trapped by Aswanth who fires back with a right hook which connects square on Vikrant and drops him. Aswanth follows him to the ground and continues to ground and pound,forcing referee to jump in and stop the fight.
Result: Aswanth T.K wins by TKO at 4 mins 01 sec of Round # 1
Fight Summary by India's leading MMA referee , the AMMAI's "Big" Jitendra Khare
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