Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A Madness called Cricket !!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Strength Training for MMA video series by "Big" Jitendra Khare

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Funny Posters in India Part 1

Friday, March 18, 2011
The BJJ-India Connection part 6 : Think again

The BJJ-India Connection part 5 : Travelling / Training abroad

The BJJ-India Connection part 4

Overseas BJJ instructors who visited Tigers Gym / Evolution MMA : Soonafter our website was online and people started reading about us on sherdog , bjjasia and a few other website I started getting emails from so many people in the bjj / grappling community. Some we brutally critical about my work and some even told me that i should step down and allow someone else to take on the responsibility of promoting mma / bjj in India. And then there those emails from to-be friends who wanted to come over to India and work with our students / fighters to help them understand more about bjj. Here are some of those important people who have a special place in our hearts. People who have understand us and our vision and continue to be part of our MMA / BJJ India team. Cheers guys ! [Continued in part 5]
The BJJ India Connection part 3

The BJJ-India Connection part 2

The BJJ-India Connection part 1

Another BJJ instructor visits India

Living the MMA India Dream
Hong Kong is a beautiful place but one place in HK is particularly special to me ...
The big man upstairs [and i dont mean heaven]

Thursday, March 17, 2011
I stand alone with an army of friends ... we will overcome
Farmer boy training mma
A few weeks ago , this farmer guy named sandeep walks into tigers mma in nasik and wants to know whats happening here , we tell him its an mma gym - he cant figure out what we're talking about , anyways our front desk guy shows him around the place and hes interested seing all the training gear and the posters of alan on the walls , can i become like him ? he asks - referring to alans poster , why not replies the front desk guy , sandeep signs up frankly not knowing what hes getting into , a few weeks later i hold the pads for him and the guy has some raw power , seriously this farmer boy has no fight experience whatsoever , not even wrestling but hes strong , pretty strong , this is the kind of raw talent that rural india posseses , here him doing beginner level pads with me , pretty awesome if you ask me , thanks again to tayde for filming the video and for permitting me to bring my cam / mobile into the training area.
40 winks in between training sessions

Housekeeping Boss Tigers MMA Academy

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Odomos ka jawab nahin !

Subway train at Hong Kong

Saturday afternoon lunch after training at Evolution
My handiwork !
KFC meal while in hong kong
Abhijeets new shoes