Over the last few weeks we have been super busy both at the Nasik and the Mumbai gyms , last week however was particularly special.
Christian Graugart a bjj brown belt from Denmark stopped over at our gyms to share some valuable knowledge with our students and fighters. Everyone had a great time learning with Christian and after intently observing his teaching style its important to mention that Christians style of teaching stressed so much on the fundamentals and the missing links in our grappling. His classes and sessions broke down every simple move and pass in such a way that it was literally as if we got to watch that technique under a microscope.Over the past few months everyone at the mumbai gym were highly pissed of at both Alan and myself as we stressed on perfecting basics and fundamentals and spending hours on each specific technique rather than rushing to learn new technques. Christian made our work a lot easier by stressing

on the very same thing as he put the guys through almost 3 hours of gruelling drills involving simple fundamentals. One session I especially enjoyed was the wrestling for mma class at the nasik centre , the specific correction of posture that he addressed with the fighters was superb. Christian was kind enough to be patient with all the questions and doubts thrown at him during every class , he worked with the students and fighters for basic drills , he worked separately with Vicky to help put the prospective blue belts through preparation of the new drills and he worked with Alan to help improve his bjj for mma and encouraged Alan to make a comeback this year. I of course was forced to sit with the video camera throughout every session as everyone selfishly never even once opted to film so i cud get to train with Christian , anyways no problem one of these days ill take some months off , head to brazil and who knows may comeback with a bjj black belt and submit all your asses together , ha ha hope you all enjoyed the training , Christian hope we made your trip memorable and thanks for all the time you shared with us , you are welcome to visit us anytime brother ! here are some links of Christians bjj globetrotting visits :
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